(function (root) { var exports = undefined, module = undefined, require = undefined; var define = undefined; var self = root, window = root, global = root, globalThis = root; (function () { !function (undefined) { "use strict"; !function (n, i, e) { var t = function e(t) { var r = i[t]; return r || n[t][0].call(r = i[t] = { exports: {} }, e, r, r.exports), r.exports; }(e[0]); t.util.global.protobuf = t, "function" == typeof define && define.amd && define(["long"], function (e) { return e && e.isLong && (t.util.Long = e, t.configure()), t; }), "object" == typeof module && module && module.exports && (module.exports = t); }({ 1: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = function (e, t) { var r = new Array(arguments.length - 1), o = 0, n = 2, s = !0; for (; n < arguments.length;) r[o++] = arguments[n++]; return new Promise(function (n, i) { r[o] = function (e) { if (s) if (s = !1, e) i(e);else { for (var t = new Array(arguments.length - 1), r = 0; r < t.length;) t[r++] = arguments[r]; n.apply(null, t); } }; try { e.apply(t || null, r); } catch (e) { s && (s = !1, i(e)); } }); }; }, {}], 2: [function (e, t, r) { r.length = function (e) { var t = e.length; if (!t) return 0; for (var r = 0; 1 < --t % 4 && "=" === e.charAt(t);) ++r; return Math.ceil(3 * e.length) / 4 - r; }; for (var f = new Array(64), u = new Array(123), n = 0; n < 64;) u[f[n] = n < 26 ? n + 65 : n < 52 ? n + 71 : n < 62 ? n - 4 : n - 59 | 43] = n++; r.encode = function (e, t, r) { for (var n, i = null, o = [], s = 0, a = 0; t < r;) { var u = e[t++]; switch (a) { case 0: o[s++] = f[u >> 2], n = (3 & u) << 4, a = 1; break; case 1: o[s++] = f[n | u >> 4], n = (15 & u) << 2, a = 2; break; case 2: o[s++] = f[n | u >> 6], o[s++] = f[63 & u], a = 0; } 8191 < s && ((i = i || []).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, o)), s = 0); } return a && (o[s++] = f[n], o[s++] = 61, 1 === a && (o[s++] = 61)), i ? (s && i.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, o.slice(0, s))), i.join("")) : String.fromCharCode.apply(String, o.slice(0, s)); }; var l = "invalid encoding"; r.decode = function (e, t, r) { for (var n, i = r, o = 0, s = 0; s < e.length;) { var a = e.charCodeAt(s++); if (61 === a && 1 < o) break; if ((a = u[a]) === undefined) throw Error(l); switch (o) { case 0: n = a, o = 1; break; case 1: t[r++] = n << 2 | (48 & a) >> 4, n = a, o = 2; break; case 2: t[r++] = (15 & n) << 4 | (60 & a) >> 2, n = a, o = 3; break; case 3: t[r++] = (3 & n) << 6 | a, o = 0; } } if (1 === o) throw Error(l); return r - i; }, r.test = function (e) { return /^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$/.test(e); }; }, {}], 3: [function (e, t, r) { function p(t, r) { "string" == typeof t && (r = t, t = undefined); var u = []; function f(e) { if ("string" != typeof e) { var t = l(); if (p.verbose && console.log("codegen: " + t), t = "return " + t, e) { for (var r = Object.keys(e), n = new Array(r.length + 1), i = new Array(r.length), o = 0; o < r.length;) n[o] = r[o], i[o] = e[r[o++]]; return n[o] = t, Function.apply(null, n).apply(null, i); } return Function(t)(); } for (var s = new Array(arguments.length - 1), a = 0; a < s.length;) s[a] = arguments[++a]; if (a = 0, e = e.replace(/%([%dfijs])/g, function (e, t) { var r = s[a++]; switch (t) { case "d": case "f": return String(Number(r)); case "i": return String(Math.floor(r)); case "j": return JSON.stringify(r); case "s": return String(r); } return "%"; }), a !== s.length) throw Error("parameter count mismatch"); return u.push(e), f; } function l(e) { return "function " + (e || r || "") + "(" + (t && t.join(",") || "") + "){\n " + u.join("\n ") + "\n}"; } return f.toString = l, f; } (t.exports = p).verbose = !1; }, {}], 4: [function (e, t, r) { function n() { this._listeners = {}; } (t.exports = n).prototype.on = function (e, t, r) { return (this._listeners[e] || (this._listeners[e] = [])).push({ fn: t, ctx: r || this }), this; }, n.prototype.off = function (e, t) { if (e === undefined) this._listeners = {};else if (t === undefined) this._listeners[e] = [];else for (var r = this._listeners[e], n = 0; n < r.length;) r[n].fn === t ? r.splice(n, 1) : ++n; return this; }, n.prototype.emit = function (e) { var t = this._listeners[e]; if (t) { for (var r = [], n = 1; n < arguments.length;) r.push(arguments[n++]); for (n = 0; n < t.length;) t[n].fn.apply(t[n++].ctx, r); } return this; }; }, {}], 5: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = a; var o = e(1), s = e(7)("fs"); function a(r, n, i) { return n = "function" == typeof n ? (i = n, {}) : n || {}, i ? !n.xhr && s && s.readFile ? s.readFile(r, function (e, t) { return e && "undefined" != typeof XMLHttpRequest ? a.xhr(r, n, i) : e ? i(e) : i(null, n.binary ? t : t.toString("utf8")); }) : a.xhr(r, n, i) : o(a, this, r, n); } a.xhr = function (e, r, n) { var i = new XMLHttpRequest(); i.onreadystatechange = function () { if (4 !== i.readyState) return undefined; if (0 !== i.status && 200 !== i.status) return n(Error("status " + i.status)); if (r.binary) { if (!(e = i.response)) for (var e = [], t = 0; t < i.responseText.length; ++t) e.push(255 & i.responseText.charCodeAt(t)); return n(null, "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? new Uint8Array(e) : e); } return n(null, i.responseText); }, r.binary && ("overrideMimeType" in i && i.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"), i.responseType = "arraybuffer"), i.open("GET", e), i.send(); }; }, { 1: 1, 7: 7 }], 6: [function (e, t, r) { function n(e) { function t(e, t, r, n) { var i = t < 0 ? 1 : 0; 0 === (t = i ? -t : t) ? e(0 < 1 / t ? 0 : 2147483648, r, n) : isNaN(t) ? e(2143289344, r, n) : e(34028234663852886e22 < t ? (i << 31 | 2139095040) >>> 0 : t < 11754943508222875e-54 ? (i << 31 | Math.round(t / 1401298464324817e-60)) >>> 0 : (i << 31 | (e = Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.LN2)) + 127 << 23 | 8388607 & Math.round(t * Math.pow(2, -e) * 8388608)) >>> 0, r, n); } function r(e, t, r) { e = e(t, r), t = 2 * (e >> 31) + 1, r = e >>> 23 & 255, e &= 8388607; return 255 == r ? e ? NaN : 1 / 0 * t : 0 == r ? 1401298464324817e-60 * t * e : t * Math.pow(2, r - 150) * (8388608 + e); } function n(e, t, r) { a[0] = e, t[r] = u[0], t[r + 1] = u[1], t[r + 2] = u[2], t[r + 3] = u[3]; } function i(e, t, r) { a[0] = e, t[r] = u[3], t[r + 1] = u[2], t[r + 2] = u[1], t[r + 3] = u[0]; } function o(e, t) { return u[0] = e[t], u[1] = e[t + 1], u[2] = e[t + 2], u[3] = e[t + 3], a[0]; } function s(e, t) { return u[3] = e[t], u[2] = e[t + 1], u[1] = e[t + 2], u[0] = e[t + 3], a[0]; } var a, u, f, l, p; function c(e, t, r, n, i, o) { var s, a, u = n < 0 ? 1 : 0; 0 === (n = u ? -n : n) ? (e(0, i, o + t), e(0 < 1 / n ? 0 : 2147483648, i, o + r)) : isNaN(n) ? (e(0, i, o + t), e(2146959360, i, o + r)) : 17976931348623157e292 < n ? (e(0, i, o + t), e((u << 31 | 2146435072) >>> 0, i, o + r)) : n < 22250738585072014e-324 ? (e((s = n / 5e-324) >>> 0, i, o + t), e((u << 31 | s / 4294967296) >>> 0, i, o + r)) : (1024 === (a = Math.floor(Math.log(n) / Math.LN2)) && (a = 1023), e(4503599627370496 * (s = n * Math.pow(2, -a)) >>> 0, i, o + t), e((u << 31 | a + 1023 << 20 | 1048576 * s & 1048575) >>> 0, i, o + r)); } function h(e, t, r, n, i) { t = e(n, i + t), e = e(n, i + r), n = 2 * (e >> 31) + 1, i = e >>> 20 & 2047, r = 4294967296 * (1048575 & e) + t; return 2047 == i ? r ? NaN : 1 / 0 * n : 0 == i ? 5e-324 * n * r : n * Math.pow(2, i - 1075) * (r + 4503599627370496); } function d(e, t, r) { f[0] = e, t[r] = l[0], t[r + 1] = l[1], t[r + 2] = l[2], t[r + 3] = l[3], t[r + 4] = l[4], t[r + 5] = l[5], t[r + 6] = l[6], t[r + 7] = l[7]; } function y(e, t, r) { f[0] = e, t[r] = l[7], t[r + 1] = l[6], t[r + 2] = l[5], t[r + 3] = l[4], t[r + 4] = l[3], t[r + 5] = l[2], t[r + 6] = l[1], t[r + 7] = l[0]; } function m(e, t) { return l[0] = e[t], l[1] = e[t + 1], l[2] = e[t + 2], l[3] = e[t + 3], l[4] = e[t + 4], l[5] = e[t + 5], l[6] = e[t + 6], l[7] = e[t + 7], f[0]; } function v(e, t) { return l[7] = e[t], l[6] = e[t + 1], l[5] = e[t + 2], l[4] = e[t + 3], l[3] = e[t + 4], l[2] = e[t + 5], l[1] = e[t + 6], l[0] = e[t + 7], f[0]; } return "undefined" != typeof Float32Array ? (a = new Float32Array([-0]), u = new Uint8Array(a.buffer), p = 128 === u[3], e.writeFloatLE = p ? n : i, e.writeFloatBE = p ? i : n, e.readFloatLE = p ? o : s, e.readFloatBE = p ? s : o) : (e.writeFloatLE = t.bind(null, g), e.writeFloatBE = t.bind(null, b), e.readFloatLE = r.bind(null, w), e.readFloatBE = r.bind(null, O)), "undefined" != typeof Float64Array ? (f = new Float64Array([-0]), l = new Uint8Array(f.buffer), p = 128 === l[7], e.writeDoubleLE = p ? d : y, e.writeDoubleBE = p ? y : d, e.readDoubleLE = p ? m : v, e.readDoubleBE = p ? v : m) : (e.writeDoubleLE = c.bind(null, g, 0, 4), e.writeDoubleBE = c.bind(null, b, 4, 0), e.readDoubleLE = h.bind(null, w, 0, 4), e.readDoubleBE = h.bind(null, O, 4, 0)), e; } function g(e, t, r) { t[r] = 255 & e, t[r + 1] = e >>> 8 & 255, t[r + 2] = e >>> 16 & 255, t[r + 3] = e >>> 24; } function b(e, t, r) { t[r] = e >>> 24, t[r + 1] = e >>> 16 & 255, t[r + 2] = e >>> 8 & 255, t[r + 3] = 255 & e; } function w(e, t) { return (e[t] | e[t + 1] << 8 | e[t + 2] << 16 | e[t + 3] << 24) >>> 0; } function O(e, t) { return (e[t] << 24 | e[t + 1] << 16 | e[t + 2] << 8 | e[t + 3]) >>> 0; } t.exports = n(n); }, {}], 7: [function (require, module, exports) { function inquire(moduleName) { try { var mod = eval("quire".replace(/^/, "re"))(moduleName); if (mod && (mod.length || Object.keys(mod).length)) return mod; } catch (e) {} return null; } module.exports = inquire; }, {}], 8: [function (e, t, r) { var i = r.isAbsolute = function (e) { return /^(?:\/|\w+:)/.test(e); }, n = r.normalize = function (e) { var t = (e = e.replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(/\/{2,}/g, "/")).split("/"), r = i(e), e = ""; r && (e = t.shift() + "/"); for (var n = 0; n < t.length;) ".." === t[n] ? 0 < n && ".." !== t[n - 1] ? t.splice(--n, 2) : r ? t.splice(n, 1) : ++n : "." === t[n] ? t.splice(n, 1) : ++n; return e + t.join("/"); }; r.resolve = function (e, t, r) { return r || (t = n(t)), !i(t) && (e = (e = r ? e : n(e)).replace(/(?:\/|^)[^/]+$/, "")).length ? n(e + "/" + t) : t; }; }, {}], 9: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = function (t, r, e) { var n = e || 8192, i = n >>> 1, o = null, s = n; return function (e) { if (e < 1 || i < e) return t(e); n < s + e && (o = t(n), s = 0); e = r.call(o, s, s += e); return 7 & s && (s = 1 + (7 | s)), e; }; }; }, {}], 10: [function (e, t, r) { r.length = function (e) { for (var t, r = 0, n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) (t = e.charCodeAt(n)) < 128 ? r += 1 : t < 2048 ? r += 2 : 55296 == (64512 & t) && 56320 == (64512 & e.charCodeAt(n + 1)) ? (++n, r += 4) : r += 3; return r; }, r.read = function (e, t, r) { if (r - t < 1) return ""; for (var n, i = null, o = [], s = 0; t < r;) (n = e[t++]) < 128 ? o[s++] = n : 191 < n && n < 224 ? o[s++] = (31 & n) << 6 | 63 & e[t++] : 239 < n && n < 365 ? (n = ((7 & n) << 18 | (63 & e[t++]) << 12 | (63 & e[t++]) << 6 | 63 & e[t++]) - 65536, o[s++] = 55296 + (n >> 10), o[s++] = 56320 + (1023 & n)) : o[s++] = (15 & n) << 12 | (63 & e[t++]) << 6 | 63 & e[t++], 8191 < s && ((i = i || []).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, o)), s = 0); return i ? (s && i.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, o.slice(0, s))), i.join("")) : String.fromCharCode.apply(String, o.slice(0, s)); }, r.write = function (e, t, r) { for (var n, i, o = r, s = 0; s < e.length; ++s) (n = e.charCodeAt(s)) < 128 ? t[r++] = n : (n < 2048 ? t[r++] = n >> 6 | 192 : (55296 == (64512 & n) && 56320 == (64512 & (i = e.charCodeAt(s + 1))) ? (++s, t[r++] = (n = 65536 + ((1023 & n) << 10) + (1023 & i)) >> 18 | 240, t[r++] = n >> 12 & 63 | 128) : t[r++] = n >> 12 | 224, t[r++] = n >> 6 & 63 | 128), t[r++] = 63 & n | 128); return r - o; }; }, {}], 11: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = i; var n = /\/|\./; function i(e, t) { n.test(e) || (e = "google/protobuf/" + e + ".proto", t = { nested: { google: { nested: { protobuf: { nested: t } } } } }), i[e] = t; } i("any", { Any: { fields: { type_url: { type: "string", id: 1 }, value: { type: "bytes", id: 2 } } } }), i("duration", { Duration: t = { fields: { seconds: { type: "int64", id: 1 }, nanos: { type: "int32", id: 2 } } } }), i("timestamp", { Timestamp: t }), i("empty", { Empty: { fields: {} } }), i("struct", { Struct: { fields: { fields: { keyType: "string", type: "Value", id: 1 } } }, Value: { oneofs: { kind: { oneof: ["nullValue", "numberValue", "stringValue", "boolValue", "structValue", "listValue"] } }, fields: { nullValue: { type: "NullValue", id: 1 }, numberValue: { type: "double", id: 2 }, stringValue: { type: "string", id: 3 }, boolValue: { type: "bool", id: 4 }, structValue: { type: "Struct", id: 5 }, listValue: { type: "ListValue", id: 6 } } }, NullValue: { values: { NULL_VALUE: 0 } }, ListValue: { fields: { values: { rule: "repeated", type: "Value", id: 1 } } } }), i("wrappers", { DoubleValue: { fields: { value: { type: "double", id: 1 } } }, FloatValue: { fields: { value: { type: "float", id: 1 } } }, Int64Value: { fields: { value: { type: "int64", id: 1 } } }, UInt64Value: { fields: { value: { type: "uint64", id: 1 } } }, Int32Value: { fields: { value: { type: "int32", id: 1 } } }, UInt32Value: { fields: { value: { type: "uint32", id: 1 } } }, BoolValue: { fields: { value: { type: "bool", id: 1 } } }, StringValue: { fields: { value: { type: "string", id: 1 } } }, BytesValue: { fields: { value: { type: "bytes", id: 1 } } } }), i("field_mask", { FieldMask: { fields: { paths: { rule: "repeated", type: "string", id: 1 } } } }), i.get = function (e) { return i[e] || null; }; }, {}], 12: [function (e, t, r) { var c = e(15), h = e(37); function s(e, t, r, n) { if (t.resolvedType) { if (t.resolvedType instanceof c) { e("switch(d%s){", n); for (var i = t.resolvedType.values, o = Object.keys(i), s = 0; s < o.length; ++s) t.repeated && i[o[s]] === t.typeDefault && e("default:"), e("case%j:", o[s])("case %i:", i[o[s]])("m%s=%j", n, i[o[s]])("break"); e("}"); } else e('if(typeof d%s!=="object")', n)("throw TypeError(%j)", t.fullName + ": object expected")("m%s=types[%i].fromObject(d%s)", n, r, n); } else { var a = !1; switch (t.type) { case "double": case "float": e("m%s=Number(d%s)", n, n); break; case "uint32": case "fixed32": e("m%s=d%s>>>0", n, n); break; case "int32": case "sint32": case "sfixed32": e("m%s=d%s|0", n, n); break; case "uint64": a = !0; case "int64": case "sint64": case "fixed64": case "sfixed64": e("if(util.Long)")("(m%s=util.Long.fromValue(d%s)).unsigned=%j", n, n, a)('else if(typeof d%s==="string")', n)("m%s=parseInt(d%s,10)", n, n)('else if(typeof d%s==="number")', n)("m%s=d%s", n, n)('else if(typeof d%s==="object")', n)("m%s=new util.LongBits(d%s.low>>>0,d%s.high>>>0).toNumber(%s)", n, n, n, a ? "true" : ""); break; case "bytes": e('if(typeof d%s==="string")', n)("util.base64.decode(d%s,m%s=util.newBuffer(util.base64.length(d%s)),0)", n, n, n)("else if(d%s.length)", n)("m%s=d%s", n, n); break; case "string": e("m%s=String(d%s)", n, n); break; case "bool": e("m%s=Boolean(d%s)", n, n); } } return e; } function d(e, t, r, n) { if (t.resolvedType) t.resolvedType instanceof c ? e("d%s=o.enums===String?types[%i].values[m%s]:m%s", n, r, n, n) : e("d%s=types[%i].toObject(m%s,o)", n, r, n);else { var i = !1; switch (t.type) { case "double": case "float": e("d%s=o.json&&!isFinite(m%s)?String(m%s):m%s", n, n, n, n); break; case "uint64": i = !0; case "int64": case "sint64": case "fixed64": case "sfixed64": e('if(typeof m%s==="number")', n)("d%s=o.longs===String?String(m%s):m%s", n, n, n)("else")("d%s=o.longs===String?util.Long.prototype.toString.call(m%s):o.longs===Number?new util.LongBits(m%s.low>>>0,m%s.high>>>0).toNumber(%s):m%s", n, n, n, n, i ? "true" : "", n); break; case "bytes": e("d%s=o.bytes===String?util.base64.encode(m%s,0,m%s.length):o.bytes===Array?Array.prototype.slice.call(m%s):m%s", n, n, n, n, n); break; default: e("d%s=m%s", n, n); } } return e; } r.fromObject = function (e) { var t = e.fieldsArray, r = h.codegen(["d"], e.name + "$fromObject")("if(d instanceof this.ctor)")("return d"); if (!t.length) return r("return new this.ctor"); r("var m=new this.ctor"); for (var n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) { var i = t[n].resolve(), o = h.safeProp(i.name); i.map ? (r("if(d%s){", o)('if(typeof d%s!=="object")', o)("throw TypeError(%j)", i.fullName + ": object expected")("m%s={}", o)("for(var ks=Object.keys(d%s),i=0;i>>3){"); for (var r = 0; r < e.fieldsArray.length; ++r) { var n = e._fieldsArray[r].resolve(), i = n.resolvedType instanceof a ? "int32" : n.type, o = "m" + f.safeProp(n.name); t("case %i:", n.id), n.map ? (t("if(%s===util.emptyObject)", o)("%s={}", o)("var c2 = r.uint32()+r.pos"), u.defaults[n.keyType] !== undefined ? t("k=%j", u.defaults[n.keyType]) : t("k=null"), u.defaults[i] !== undefined ? t("value=%j", u.defaults[i]) : t("value=null"), t("while(r.pos>>3){")("case 1: k=r.%s(); break", n.keyType)("case 2:"), u.basic[i] === undefined ? t("value=types[%i].decode(r,r.uint32())", r) : t("value=r.%s()", i), t("break")("default:")("r.skipType(tag2&7)")("break")("}")("}"), u.long[n.keyType] !== undefined ? t('%s[typeof k==="object"?util.longToHash(k):k]=value', o) : t("%s[k]=value", o)) : n.repeated ? (t("if(!(%s&&%s.length))", o, o)("%s=[]", o), u.packed[i] !== undefined && t("if((t&7)===2){")("var c2=r.uint32()+r.pos")("while(r.pos>> 0, 8 | l.mapKey[o.keyType], o.keyType), u === undefined ? r("types[%i].encode(%s[ks[i]],w.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim().ldelim()", s, t) : r(".uint32(%i).%s(%s[ks[i]]).ldelim()", 16 | u, a, t), r("}")("}")) : o.repeated ? (r("if(%s!=null&&%s.length){", t, t), o.packed && l.packed[a] !== undefined ? r("w.uint32(%i).fork()", (o.id << 3 | 2) >>> 0)("for(var i=0;i<%s.length;++i)", t)("w.%s(%s[i])", a, t)("w.ldelim()") : (r("for(var i=0;i<%s.length;++i)", t), u === undefined ? c(r, o, s, t + "[i]") : r("w.uint32(%i).%s(%s[i])", (o.id << 3 | u) >>> 0, a, t)), r("}")) : (o.optional && r("if(%s!=null&&Object.hasOwnProperty.call(m,%j))", t, o.name), u === undefined ? c(r, o, s, t) : r("w.uint32(%i).%s(%s)", (o.id << 3 | u) >>> 0, a, t)); } return r("return w"); }; var f = e(15), l = e(36), p = e(37); function c(e, t, r, n) { t.resolvedType.group ? e("types[%i].encode(%s,w.uint32(%i)).uint32(%i)", r, n, (t.id << 3 | 3) >>> 0, (t.id << 3 | 4) >>> 0) : e("types[%i].encode(%s,w.uint32(%i).fork()).ldelim()", r, n, (t.id << 3 | 2) >>> 0); } }, { 15: 15, 36: 36, 37: 37 }], 15: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = o; var a = e(24), n = (((o.prototype = Object.create(a.prototype)).constructor = o).className = "Enum", e(23)), i = e(37); function o(e, t, r, n, i) { if (a.call(this, e, r), t && "object" != typeof t) throw TypeError("values must be an object"); if (this.valuesById = {}, this.values = Object.create(this.valuesById), this.comment = n, this.comments = i || {}, this.reserved = undefined, t) for (var o = Object.keys(t), s = 0; s < o.length; ++s) "number" == typeof t[o[s]] && (this.valuesById[this.values[o[s]] = t[o[s]]] = o[s]); } o.fromJSON = function (e, t) { e = new o(e, t.values, t.options, t.comment, t.comments); return e.reserved = t.reserved, e; }, o.prototype.toJSON = function (e) { e = !!e && Boolean(e.keepComments); return i.toObject(["options", this.options, "values", this.values, "reserved", this.reserved && this.reserved.length ? this.reserved : undefined, "comment", e ? this.comment : undefined, "comments", e ? this.comments : undefined]); }, o.prototype.add = function (e, t, r) { if (!i.isString(e)) throw TypeError("name must be a string"); if (!i.isInteger(t)) throw TypeError("id must be an integer"); if (this.values[e] !== undefined) throw Error("duplicate name '" + e + "' in " + this); if (this.isReservedId(t)) throw Error("id " + t + " is reserved in " + this); if (this.isReservedName(e)) throw Error("name '" + e + "' is reserved in " + this); if (this.valuesById[t] !== undefined) { if (!this.options || !this.options.allow_alias) throw Error("duplicate id " + t + " in " + this); this.values[e] = t; } else this.valuesById[this.values[e] = t] = e; return this.comments[e] = r || null, this; }, o.prototype.remove = function (e) { if (!i.isString(e)) throw TypeError("name must be a string"); var t = this.values[e]; if (null == t) throw Error("name '" + e + "' does not exist in " + this); return delete this.valuesById[t], delete this.values[e], delete this.comments[e], this; }, o.prototype.isReservedId = function (e) { return n.isReservedId(this.reserved, e); }, o.prototype.isReservedName = function (e) { return n.isReservedName(this.reserved, e); }; }, { 23: 23, 24: 24, 37: 37 }], 16: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = s; var n, a = e(24), i = (((s.prototype = Object.create(a.prototype)).constructor = s).className = "Field", e(15)), u = e(36), f = e(37), l = /^required|optional|repeated$/; function s(e, t, r, n, i, o, s) { if (f.isObject(n) ? (s = i, o = n, n = i = undefined) : f.isObject(i) && (s = o, o = i, i = undefined), a.call(this, e, o), !f.isInteger(t) || t < 0) throw TypeError("id must be a non-negative integer"); if (!f.isString(r)) throw TypeError("type must be a string"); if (n !== undefined && !l.test(n = n.toString().toLowerCase())) throw TypeError("rule must be a string rule"); if (i !== undefined && !f.isString(i)) throw TypeError("extend must be a string"); this.rule = (n = "proto3_optional" === n ? "optional" : n) && "optional" !== n ? n : undefined, this.type = r, this.id = t, this.extend = i || undefined, this.required = "required" === n, this.optional = !this.required, this.repeated = "repeated" === n, this.map = !1, this.message = null, this.partOf = null, this.typeDefault = null, this.defaultValue = null, this.long = !!f.Long && u.long[r] !== undefined, this.bytes = "bytes" === r, this.resolvedType = null, this.extensionField = null, this.declaringField = null, this._packed = null, this.comment = s; } s.fromJSON = function (e, t) { return new s(e, t.id, t.type, t.rule, t.extend, t.options, t.comment); }, Object.defineProperty(s.prototype, "packed", { get: function () { return null === this._packed && (this._packed = !1 !== this.getOption("packed")), this._packed; } }), s.prototype.setOption = function (e, t, r) { return "packed" === e && (this._packed = null), a.prototype.setOption.call(this, e, t, r); }, s.prototype.toJSON = function (e) { e = !!e && Boolean(e.keepComments); return f.toObject(["rule", "optional" !== this.rule && this.rule || undefined, "type", this.type, "id", this.id, "extend", this.extend, "options", this.options, "comment", e ? this.comment : undefined]); }, s.prototype.resolve = function () { var e; return this.resolved ? this : ((this.typeDefault = u.defaults[this.type]) === undefined && (this.resolvedType = (this.declaringField || this).parent.lookupTypeOrEnum(this.type), this.resolvedType instanceof n ? this.typeDefault = null : this.typeDefault = this.resolvedType.values[Object.keys(this.resolvedType.values)[0]]), this.options && null != this.options.default && (this.typeDefault = this.options.default, this.resolvedType instanceof i && "string" == typeof this.typeDefault && (this.typeDefault = this.resolvedType.values[this.typeDefault])), this.options && (!0 !== this.options.packed && (this.options.packed === undefined || !this.resolvedType || this.resolvedType instanceof i) || delete this.options.packed, Object.keys(this.options).length || (this.options = undefined)), this.long ? (this.typeDefault = f.Long.fromNumber(this.typeDefault, "u" === this.type.charAt(0)), Object.freeze && Object.freeze(this.typeDefault)) : this.bytes && "string" == typeof this.typeDefault && (f.base64.test(this.typeDefault) ? f.base64.decode(this.typeDefault, e = f.newBuffer(f.base64.length(this.typeDefault)), 0) : f.utf8.write(this.typeDefault, e = f.newBuffer(f.utf8.length(this.typeDefault)), 0), this.typeDefault = e), this.map ? this.defaultValue = f.emptyObject : this.repeated ? this.defaultValue = f.emptyArray : this.defaultValue = this.typeDefault, this.parent instanceof n && (this.parent.ctor.prototype[this.name] = this.defaultValue), a.prototype.resolve.call(this)); }, s.d = function (r, n, i, o) { return "function" == typeof n ? n = f.decorateType(n).name : n && "object" == typeof n && (n = f.decorateEnum(n).name), function (e, t) { f.decorateType(e.constructor).add(new s(t, r, n, i, { default: o })); }; }, s._configure = function (e) { n = e; }; }, { 15: 15, 24: 24, 36: 36, 37: 37 }], 17: [function (e, t, r) { var n = t.exports = e(18); n.build = "light", n.load = function (e, t, r) { return (t = "function" == typeof t ? (r = t, new n.Root()) : t || new n.Root()).load(e, r); }, n.loadSync = function (e, t) { return (t = t || new n.Root()).loadSync(e); }, n.encoder = e(14), n.decoder = e(13), n.verifier = e(40), n.converter = e(12), n.ReflectionObject = e(24), n.Namespace = e(23), n.Root = e(29), n.Enum = e(15), n.Type = e(35), n.Field = e(16), n.OneOf = e(25), n.MapField = e(20), n.Service = e(33), n.Method = e(22), n.Message = e(21), n.wrappers = e(41), n.types = e(36), n.util = e(37), n.ReflectionObject._configure(n.Root), n.Namespace._configure(n.Type, n.Service, n.Enum), n.Root._configure(n.Type), n.Field._configure(n.Type); }, { 12: 12, 13: 13, 14: 14, 15: 15, 16: 16, 18: 18, 20: 20, 21: 21, 22: 22, 23: 23, 24: 24, 25: 25, 29: 29, 33: 33, 35: 35, 36: 36, 37: 37, 40: 40, 41: 41 }], 18: [function (e, t, r) { var n = r; function i() { n.util._configure(), n.Writer._configure(n.BufferWriter), n.Reader._configure(n.BufferReader); } n.build = "minimal", n.Writer = e(42), n.BufferWriter = e(43), n.Reader = e(27), n.BufferReader = e(28), n.util = e(39), n.rpc = e(31), n.roots = e(30), n.configure = i, i(); }, { 27: 27, 28: 28, 30: 30, 31: 31, 39: 39, 42: 42, 43: 43 }], 19: [function (e, t, r) { t = t.exports = e(17); t.build = "full", t.tokenize = e(34), t.parse = e(26), t.common = e(11), t.Root._configure(t.Type, t.parse, t.common); }, { 11: 11, 17: 17, 26: 26, 34: 34 }], 20: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = o; var s = e(16), n = (((o.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype)).constructor = o).className = "MapField", e(36)), a = e(37); function o(e, t, r, n, i, o) { if (s.call(this, e, t, n, undefined, undefined, i, o), !a.isString(r)) throw TypeError("keyType must be a string"); this.keyType = r, this.resolvedKeyType = null, this.map = !0; } o.fromJSON = function (e, t) { return new o(e, t.id, t.keyType, t.type, t.options, t.comment); }, o.prototype.toJSON = function (e) { e = !!e && Boolean(e.keepComments); return a.toObject(["keyType", this.keyType, "type", this.type, "id", this.id, "extend", this.extend, "options", this.options, "comment", e ? this.comment : undefined]); }, o.prototype.resolve = function () { if (this.resolved) return this; if (n.mapKey[this.keyType] === undefined) throw Error("invalid key type: " + this.keyType); return s.prototype.resolve.call(this); }, o.d = function (r, n, i) { return "function" == typeof i ? i = a.decorateType(i).name : i && "object" == typeof i && (i = a.decorateEnum(i).name), function (e, t) { a.decorateType(e.constructor).add(new o(t, r, n, i)); }; }; }, { 16: 16, 36: 36, 37: 37 }], 21: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = i; var n = e(39); function i(e) { if (e) for (var t = Object.keys(e), r = 0; r < t.length; ++r) this[t[r]] = e[t[r]]; } i.create = function (e) { return this.$type.create(e); }, i.encode = function (e, t) { return this.$type.encode(e, t); }, i.encodeDelimited = function (e, t) { return this.$type.encodeDelimited(e, t); }, i.decode = function (e) { return this.$type.decode(e); }, i.decodeDelimited = function (e) { return this.$type.decodeDelimited(e); }, i.verify = function (e) { return this.$type.verify(e); }, i.fromObject = function (e) { return this.$type.fromObject(e); }, i.toObject = function (e, t) { return this.$type.toObject(e, t); }, i.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.$type.toObject(this, n.toJSONOptions); }; }, { 39: 39 }], 22: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = n; var f = e(24), l = (((n.prototype = Object.create(f.prototype)).constructor = n).className = "Method", e(37)); function n(e, t, r, n, i, o, s, a, u) { if (l.isObject(i) ? (s = i, i = o = undefined) : l.isObject(o) && (s = o, o = undefined), t !== undefined && !l.isString(t)) throw TypeError("type must be a string"); if (!l.isString(r)) throw TypeError("requestType must be a string"); if (!l.isString(n)) throw TypeError("responseType must be a string"); f.call(this, e, s), this.type = t || "rpc", this.requestType = r, this.requestStream = !!i || undefined, this.responseType = n, this.responseStream = !!o || undefined, this.resolvedRequestType = null, this.resolvedResponseType = null, this.comment = a, this.parsedOptions = u; } n.fromJSON = function (e, t) { return new n(e, t.type, t.requestType, t.responseType, t.requestStream, t.responseStream, t.options, t.comment, t.parsedOptions); }, n.prototype.toJSON = function (e) { e = !!e && Boolean(e.keepComments); return l.toObject(["type", "rpc" !== this.type && this.type || undefined, "requestType", this.requestType, "requestStream", this.requestStream, "responseType", this.responseType, "responseStream", this.responseStream, "options", this.options, "comment", e ? this.comment : undefined, "parsedOptions", this.parsedOptions]); }, n.prototype.resolve = function () { return this.resolved ? this : (this.resolvedRequestType = this.parent.lookupType(this.requestType), this.resolvedResponseType = this.parent.lookupType(this.responseType), f.prototype.resolve.call(this)); }; }, { 24: 24, 37: 37 }], 23: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = l; var i, o, s, n = e(24), a = (((l.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype)).constructor = l).className = "Namespace", e(16)), u = e(37); function f(e, t) { if (!e || !e.length) return undefined; for (var r = {}, n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) r[e[n].name] = e[n].toJSON(t); return r; } function l(e, t) { n.call(this, e, t), this.nested = undefined, this._nestedArray = null; } function p(e) { return e._nestedArray = null, e; } l.fromJSON = function (e, t) { return new l(e, t.options).addJSON(t.nested); }, l.arrayToJSON = f, l.isReservedId = function (e, t) { if (e) for (var r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) if ("string" != typeof e[r] && e[r][0] <= t && e[r][1] > t) return !0; return !1; }, l.isReservedName = function (e, t) { if (e) for (var r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) if (e[r] === t) return !0; return !1; }, Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, "nestedArray", { get: function () { return this._nestedArray || (this._nestedArray = u.toArray(this.nested)); } }), l.prototype.toJSON = function (e) { return u.toObject(["options", this.options, "nested", f(this.nestedArray, e)]); }, l.prototype.addJSON = function (e) { if (e) for (var t, r = Object.keys(e), n = 0; n < r.length; ++n) t = e[r[n]], this.add((t.fields !== undefined ? i : t.values !== undefined ? s : t.methods !== undefined ? o : t.id !== undefined ? a : l).fromJSON(r[n], t)); return this; }, l.prototype.get = function (e) { return this.nested && this.nested[e] || null; }, l.prototype.getEnum = function (e) { if (this.nested && this.nested[e] instanceof s) return this.nested[e].values; throw Error("no such enum: " + e); }, l.prototype.add = function (e) { if (!(e instanceof a && e.extend !== undefined || e instanceof i || e instanceof s || e instanceof o || e instanceof l)) throw TypeError("object must be a valid nested object"); if (this.nested) { var t = this.get(e.name); if (t) { if (!(t instanceof l && e instanceof l) || t instanceof i || t instanceof o) throw Error("duplicate name '" + e.name + "' in " + this); for (var r = t.nestedArray, n = 0; n < r.length; ++n) e.add(r[n]); this.remove(t), this.nested || (this.nested = {}), e.setOptions(t.options, !0); } } else this.nested = {}; return (this.nested[e.name] = e).onAdd(this), p(this); }, l.prototype.remove = function (e) { if (!(e instanceof n)) throw TypeError("object must be a ReflectionObject"); if (e.parent !== this) throw Error(e + " is not a member of " + this); return delete this.nested[e.name], Object.keys(this.nested).length || (this.nested = undefined), e.onRemove(this), p(this); }, l.prototype.define = function (e, t) { if (u.isString(e)) e = e.split(".");else if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw TypeError("illegal path"); if (e && e.length && "" === e[0]) throw Error("path must be relative"); for (var r = this; 0 < e.length;) { var n = e.shift(); if (r.nested && r.nested[n]) { if (!((r = r.nested[n]) instanceof l)) throw Error("path conflicts with non-namespace objects"); } else r.add(r = new l(n)); } return t && r.addJSON(t), r; }, l.prototype.resolveAll = function () { for (var e = this.nestedArray, t = 0; t < e.length;) e[t] instanceof l ? e[t++].resolveAll() : e[t++].resolve(); return this.resolve(); }, l.prototype.lookup = function (e, t, r) { if ("boolean" == typeof t ? (r = t, t = undefined) : t && !Array.isArray(t) && (t = [t]), u.isString(e) && e.length) { if ("." === e) return this.root; e = e.split("."); } else if (!e.length) return this; if ("" === e[0]) return this.root.lookup(e.slice(1), t); var n = this.get(e[0]); if (n) { if (1 === e.length) { if (!t || -1 < t.indexOf(n.constructor)) return n; } else if (n instanceof l && (n = n.lookup(e.slice(1), t, !0))) return n; } else for (var i = 0; i < this.nestedArray.length; ++i) if (this._nestedArray[i] instanceof l && (n = this._nestedArray[i].lookup(e, t, !0))) return n; return null === this.parent || r ? null : this.parent.lookup(e, t); }, l.prototype.lookupType = function (e) { var t = this.lookup(e, [i]); if (t) return t; throw Error("no such type: " + e); }, l.prototype.lookupEnum = function (e) { var t = this.lookup(e, [s]); if (t) return t; throw Error("no such Enum '" + e + "' in " + this); }, l.prototype.lookupTypeOrEnum = function (e) { var t = this.lookup(e, [i, s]); if (t) return t; throw Error("no such Type or Enum '" + e + "' in " + this); }, l.prototype.lookupService = function (e) { var t = this.lookup(e, [o]); if (t) return t; throw Error("no such Service '" + e + "' in " + this); }, l._configure = function (e, t, r) { i = e, o = t, s = r; }; }, { 16: 16, 24: 24, 37: 37 }], 24: [function (e, t, r) { (t.exports = i).className = "ReflectionObject"; var n, s = e(37); function i(e, t) { if (!s.isString(e)) throw TypeError("name must be a string"); if (t && !s.isObject(t)) throw TypeError("options must be an object"); this.options = t, this.parsedOptions = null, this.name = e, this.parent = null, this.resolved = !1, this.comment = null, this.filename = null; } Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, { root: { get: function () { for (var e = this; null !== e.parent;) e = e.parent; return e; } }, fullName: { get: function () { for (var e = [this.name], t = this.parent; t;) e.unshift(t.name), t = t.parent; return e.join("."); } } }), i.prototype.toJSON = function () { throw Error(); }, i.prototype.onAdd = function (e) { this.parent && this.parent !== e && this.parent.remove(this), this.parent = e, this.resolved = !1; e = e.root; e instanceof n && e._handleAdd(this); }, i.prototype.onRemove = function (e) { e = e.root; e instanceof n && e._handleRemove(this), this.parent = null, this.resolved = !1; }, i.prototype.resolve = function () { return this.resolved || this.root instanceof n && (this.resolved = !0), this; }, i.prototype.getOption = function (e) { return this.options ? this.options[e] : undefined; }, i.prototype.setOption = function (e, t, r) { return r && this.options && this.options[e] !== undefined || ((this.options || (this.options = {}))[e] = t), this; }, i.prototype.setParsedOption = function (t, e, r) { this.parsedOptions || (this.parsedOptions = []); var n, i, o = this.parsedOptions; return r ? (n = o.find(function (e) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t); })) ? (i = n[t], s.setProperty(i, r, e)) : ((n = {})[t] = s.setProperty({}, r, e), o.push(n)) : ((i = {})[t] = e, o.push(i)), this; }, i.prototype.setOptions = function (e, t) { if (e) for (var r = Object.keys(e), n = 0; n < r.length; ++n) this.setOption(r[n], e[r[n]], t); return this; }, i.prototype.toString = function () { var e = this.constructor.className, t = this.fullName; return t.length ? e + " " + t : e; }, i._configure = function (e) { n = e; }; }, { 37: 37 }], 25: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = s; var i = e(24), n = (((s.prototype = Object.create(i.prototype)).constructor = s).className = "OneOf", e(16)), o = e(37); function s(e, t, r, n) { if (Array.isArray(t) || (r = t, t = undefined), i.call(this, e, r), t !== undefined && !Array.isArray(t)) throw TypeError("fieldNames must be an Array"); this.oneof = t || [], this.fieldsArray = [], this.comment = n; } function a(e) { if (e.parent) for (var t = 0; t < e.fieldsArray.length; ++t) e.fieldsArray[t].parent || e.parent.add(e.fieldsArray[t]); } s.fromJSON = function (e, t) { return new s(e, t.oneof, t.options, t.comment); }, s.prototype.toJSON = function (e) { e = !!e && Boolean(e.keepComments); return o.toObject(["options", this.options, "oneof", this.oneof, "comment", e ? this.comment : undefined]); }, s.prototype.add = function (e) { if (e instanceof n) return e.parent && e.parent !== this.parent && e.parent.remove(e), this.oneof.push(e.name), this.fieldsArray.push(e), a(e.partOf = this), this; throw TypeError("field must be a Field"); }, s.prototype.remove = function (e) { if (!(e instanceof n)) throw TypeError("field must be a Field"); var t = this.fieldsArray.indexOf(e); if (t < 0) throw Error(e + " is not a member of " + this); return this.fieldsArray.splice(t, 1), -1 < (t = this.oneof.indexOf(e.name)) && this.oneof.splice(t, 1), e.partOf = null, this; }, s.prototype.onAdd = function (e) { i.prototype.onAdd.call(this, e); for (var t = 0; t < this.oneof.length; ++t) { var r = e.get(this.oneof[t]); r && !r.partOf && (r.partOf = this).fieldsArray.push(r); } a(this); }, s.prototype.onRemove = function (e) { for (var t, r = 0; r < this.fieldsArray.length; ++r) (t = this.fieldsArray[r]).parent && t.parent.remove(t); i.prototype.onRemove.call(this, e); }, s.d = function () { for (var r = new Array(arguments.length), e = 0; e < arguments.length;) r[e] = arguments[e++]; return function (e, t) { o.decorateType(e.constructor).add(new s(t, r)), Object.defineProperty(e, t, { get: o.oneOfGetter(r), set: o.oneOfSetter(r) }); }; }; }, { 16: 16, 24: 24, 37: 37 }], 26: [function (e, t, r) { (t.exports = Y).filename = null, Y.defaults = { keepCase: !1 }; var I = e(34), R = e(29), D = e(35), L = e(16), F = e(20), P = e(25), $ = e(15), C = e(33), J = e(22), q = e(36), z = e(37), V = /^[1-9][0-9]*$/, M = /^-?[1-9][0-9]*$/, U = /^0[x][0-9a-fA-F]+$/, Z = /^-?0[x][0-9a-fA-F]+$/, H = /^0[0-7]+$/, W = /^-?0[0-7]+$/, K = /^(?![eE])[0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?$/, G = /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$/, X = /^(?:\.?[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)(?:\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)*$/, Q = /^(?:\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)+$/; function Y(e, t, r) { t instanceof R || (r = t, t = new R()); var n, i, o, s, u, a, f, l = (r = r || Y.defaults).preferTrailingComment || !1, p = I(e, r.alternateCommentMode || !1), c = p.next, h = p.push, d = p.peek, y = p.skip, m = p.cmnt, v = !0, g = !1, b = t, w = r.keepCase ? function (e) { return e; } : z.camelCase; function O(e, t, r) { var n = Y.filename; return r || (Y.filename = null), Error("illegal " + (t || "token") + " '" + e + "' (" + (n ? n + ", " : "") + "line " + p.line + ")"); } function k() { var e, t = []; do { if ('"' !== (e = c()) && "'" !== e) throw O(e); } while ((t.push(c()), y(e), '"' === (e = d()) || "'" === e)); return t.join(""); } function j(t) { var r = c(); switch (r) { case "'": case '"': return h(r), k(); case "true": case "TRUE": return !0; case "false": case "FALSE": return !1; } try { var e = r, n = !0, i = 1; switch ("-" === e.charAt(0) && (i = -1, e = e.substring(1)), e) { case "inf": case "INF": case "Inf": return i * (1 / 0); case "nan": case "NAN": case "Nan": case "NaN": return NaN; case "0": return 0; } if (V.test(e)) return i * parseInt(e, 10); if (U.test(e)) return i * parseInt(e, 16); if (H.test(e)) return i * parseInt(e, 8); if (K.test(e)) return i * parseFloat(e); throw O(e, "number", n); } catch (e) { if (t && X.test(r)) return r; throw O(r, "value"); } } function A(e, t) { for (var r; !t || '"' !== (r = d()) && "'" !== r ? e.push([r = x(c()), y("to", !0) ? x(c()) : r]) : e.push(k()), y(",", !0);); y(";"); } function x(e, t) { switch (e) { case "max": case "MAX": case "Max": return 536870911; case "0": return 0; } if (t || "-" !== e.charAt(0)) { if (M.test(e)) return parseInt(e, 10); if (Z.test(e)) return parseInt(e, 16); if (W.test(e)) return parseInt(e, 8); } throw O(e, "id"); } function _(e, t) { switch (t) { case "option": return E(e, t), y(";"), 1; case "message": var a, r = e, n = t; if (G.test(n = c())) return S(a = new D(n), function (e) { if (!_(a, e)) switch (e) { case "map": var t = a, r = (y("<"), c()); if (q.mapKey[r] === undefined) throw O(r, "type"); y(","); var n = c(); if (!X.test(n)) throw O(n, "type"); y(">"); var i = c(); if (!G.test(i)) throw O(i, "name"); y("="); var o = new F(w(i), x(c()), r, n); S(o, function (e) { if ("option" !== e) throw O(e); E(o, e), y(";"); }, function () { B(o); }), t.add(o); break; case "required": case "repeated": T(a, e); break; case "optional": T(a, g ? "proto3_optional" : "optional"); break; case "oneof": i = a, r = e; if (!G.test(r = c())) throw O(r, "name"); var s = new P(w(r)); S(s, function (e) { "option" === e ? (E(s, e), y(";")) : (h(e), T(s, "optional")); }), i.add(s); break; case "extensions": A(a.extensions || (a.extensions = [])); break; case "reserved": A(a.reserved || (a.reserved = []), !0); break; default: if (!g || !X.test(e)) throw O(e); h(e), T(a, "optional"); } }), r.add(a), 1; throw O(n, "type name"); case "enum": var o, r = e, n = t; if (G.test(n = c())) return S(o = new $(n), function (e) { switch (e) { case "option": E(o, e), y(";"); break; case "reserved": A(o.reserved || (o.reserved = []), !0); break; default: var t = o, r = e; if (!G.test(r)) throw O(r, "name"); y("="); var n = x(c(), !0), i = {}; return S(i, function (e) { if ("option" !== e) throw O(e); E(i, e), y(";"); }, function () { B(i); }), void t.add(r, n, i.comment); } }), r.add(o), 1; throw O(n, "name"); case "service": var f, i = e, s = t; if (G.test(s = c())) return S(f = new C(s), function (e) { if (!_(f, e)) { if ("rpc" !== e) throw O(e); var t = f, r = m(), n = e; if (!G.test(e = c())) throw O(e, "name"); var i, o, s, a = e; if (y("("), y("stream", !0) && (o = !0), !X.test(e = c())) throw O(e); if (i = e, y(")"), y("returns"), y("("), y("stream", !0) && (s = !0), !X.test(e = c())) throw O(e); e = e, y(")"); var u = new J(a, n, i, e, o, s); u.comment = r, S(u, function (e) { if ("option" !== e) throw O(e); E(u, e), y(";"); }), t.add(u); } }), i.add(f), 1; throw O(s, "service name"); case "extend": var u, l = e, i = t; if (X.test(i = c())) return u = i, S(null, function (e) { switch (e) { case "required": case "repeated": T(l, e, u); break; case "optional": T(l, g ? "proto3_optional" : "optional", u); break; default: if (!g || !X.test(e)) throw O(e); h(e), T(l, "optional", u); } }), 1; throw O(i, "reference"); } } function S(e, t, r) { var n, i = p.line; if (e && ("string" != typeof e.comment && (e.comment = m()), e.filename = Y.filename), y("{", !0)) { for (; "}" !== (n = c());) t(n); y(";", !0); } else r && r(), y(";"), e && ("string" != typeof e.comment || l) && (e.comment = m(i) || e.comment); } function T(e, t, r) { var n = c(); if ("group" === n) { var i, o, s = e, a = t, u = c(); if (G.test(u)) return o = z.lcFirst(u), u === o && (u = z.ucFirst(u)), y("="), f = x(c()), (i = new D(u)).group = !0, (o = new L(o, f, u, a)).filename = Y.filename, S(i, function (e) { switch (e) { case "option": E(i, e), y(";"); break; case "required": case "repeated": T(i, e); break; case "optional": T(i, g ? "proto3_optional" : "optional"); break; default: throw O(e); } }), void s.add(i).add(o); throw O(u, "name"); } if (!X.test(n)) throw O(n, "type"); var f = c(); if (!G.test(f)) throw O(f, "name"); f = w(f), y("="); var l = new L(f, x(c()), n, t, r); S(l, function (e) { if ("option" !== e) throw O(e); E(l, e), y(";"); }, function () { B(l); }), "proto3_optional" === t ? (a = new P("_" + f), l.setOption("proto3_optional", !0), a.add(l), e.add(a)) : e.add(l), g || !l.repeated || q.packed[n] === undefined && q.basic[n] !== undefined || l.setOption("packed", !1, !0); } function E(e, t) { var r = y("(", !0); if (!X.test(t = c())) throw O(t, "name"); var n, i = t, o = i, r = (r && (y(")"), o = i = "(" + i + ")", t = d(), Q.test(t) && (n = t.substr(1), i += t, c())), y("="), function e(t, r) { if (y("{", !0)) { for (var n = {}; !y("}", !0);) { if (!G.test(u = c())) throw O(u, "name"); var i, o = u, s = ("{" === d() || (y(":"), "{" === d()) ? i = e(t, r + "." + u) : (i = j(!0), N(t, r + "." + u, i)), n[o]); s && (i = [].concat(s).concat(i)), n[o] = i, y(",", !0); } return n; } var a = j(!0); N(t, r, a); return a; }(e, i)); t = o, i = r, o = n, (r = e).setParsedOption && r.setParsedOption(t, i, o); } function N(e, t, r) { e.setOption && e.setOption(t, r); } function B(e) { if (y("[", !0)) { for (; E(e, "option"), y(",", !0);); y("]"); } } for (; null !== (u = c());) switch (u) { case "package": if (!v) throw O(u); if (n !== undefined) throw O("package"); if (n = c(), !X.test(n)) throw O(n, "name"); b = b.define(n), y(";"); break; case "import": if (!v) throw O(u); switch (f = a = void 0, d()) { case "weak": f = o = o || [], c(); break; case "public": c(); default: f = i = i || []; } a = k(), y(";"), f.push(a); break; case "syntax": if (!v) throw O(u); if (y("="), s = k(), !(g = "proto3" === s) && "proto2" !== s) throw O(s, "syntax"); y(";"); break; case "option": E(b, u), y(";"); break; default: if (_(b, u)) { v = !1; continue; } throw O(u); } return Y.filename = null, { package: n, imports: i, weakImports: o, syntax: s, root: t }; } }, { 15: 15, 16: 16, 20: 20, 22: 22, 25: 25, 29: 29, 33: 33, 34: 34, 35: 35, 36: 36, 37: 37 }], 27: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = u; var n, i = e(39), o = i.LongBits, s = i.utf8; function a(e, t) { return RangeError("index out of range: " + e.pos + " + " + (t || 1) + " > " + e.len); } function u(e) { this.buf = e, this.pos = 0, this.len = e.length; } function f() { return i.Buffer ? function (e) { return (u.create = function (e) { return i.Buffer.isBuffer(e) ? new n(e) : p(e); })(e); } : p; } var l, p = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? function (e) { if (e instanceof Uint8Array || Array.isArray(e)) return new u(e); throw Error("illegal buffer"); } : function (e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return new u(e); throw Error("illegal buffer"); }; function c() { var e = new o(0, 0), t = 0; if (!(4 < this.len - this.pos)) { for (; t < 3; ++t) { if (this.pos >= this.len) throw a(this); if (e.lo = (e.lo | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7 * t) >>> 0, this.buf[this.pos++] < 128) return e; } return e.lo = (e.lo | (127 & this.buf[this.pos++]) << 7 * t) >>> 0, e; } for (; t < 4; ++t) if (e.lo = (e.lo | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7 * t) >>> 0, this.buf[this.pos++] < 128) return e; if (e.lo = (e.lo | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 28) >>> 0, e.hi = (e.hi | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) >> 4) >>> 0, this.buf[this.pos++] < 128) return e; if (t = 0, 4 < this.len - this.pos) { for (; t < 5; ++t) if (e.hi = (e.hi | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7 * t + 3) >>> 0, this.buf[this.pos++] < 128) return e; } else for (; t < 5; ++t) { if (this.pos >= this.len) throw a(this); if (e.hi = (e.hi | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7 * t + 3) >>> 0, this.buf[this.pos++] < 128) return e; } throw Error("invalid varint encoding"); } function h(e, t) { return (e[t - 4] | e[t - 3] << 8 | e[t - 2] << 16 | e[t - 1] << 24) >>> 0; } function d() { if (this.pos + 8 > this.len) throw a(this, 8); return new o(h(this.buf, this.pos += 4), h(this.buf, this.pos += 4)); } u.create = f(), u.prototype._slice = i.Array.prototype.subarray || i.Array.prototype.slice, u.prototype.uint32 = (l = 4294967295, function () { if (l = (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) >>> 0, this.buf[this.pos++] < 128 || (l = (l | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7) >>> 0, this.buf[this.pos++] < 128 || (l = (l | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 14) >>> 0, this.buf[this.pos++] < 128 || (l = (l | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 21) >>> 0, this.buf[this.pos++] < 128 || (l = (l | (15 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 28) >>> 0, this.buf[this.pos++] < 128 || !((this.pos += 5) > this.len)))))) return l; throw this.pos = this.len, a(this, 10); }), u.prototype.int32 = function () { return 0 | this.uint32(); }, u.prototype.sint32 = function () { var e = this.uint32(); return e >>> 1 ^ -(1 & e) | 0; }, u.prototype.bool = function () { return 0 !== this.uint32(); }, u.prototype.fixed32 = function () { if (this.pos + 4 > this.len) throw a(this, 4); return h(this.buf, this.pos += 4); }, u.prototype.sfixed32 = function () { if (this.pos + 4 > this.len) throw a(this, 4); return 0 | h(this.buf, this.pos += 4); }, u.prototype.float = function () { if (this.pos + 4 > this.len) throw a(this, 4); var e = i.float.readFloatLE(this.buf, this.pos); return this.pos += 4, e; }, u.prototype.double = function () { if (this.pos + 8 > this.len) throw a(this, 4); var e = i.float.readDoubleLE(this.buf, this.pos); return this.pos += 8, e; }, u.prototype.bytes = function () { var e = this.uint32(), t = this.pos, r = this.pos + e; if (r > this.len) throw a(this, e); return this.pos += e, Array.isArray(this.buf) ? this.buf.slice(t, r) : t === r ? new this.buf.constructor(0) : this._slice.call(this.buf, t, r); }, u.prototype.string = function () { var e = this.bytes(); return s.read(e, 0, e.length); }, u.prototype.skip = function (e) { if ("number" == typeof e) { if (this.pos + e > this.len) throw a(this, e); this.pos += e; } else do { if (this.pos >= this.len) throw a(this); } while (128 & this.buf[this.pos++]); return this; }, u.prototype.skipType = function (e) { switch (e) { case 0: this.skip(); break; case 1: this.skip(8); break; case 2: this.skip(this.uint32()); break; case 3: for (; 4 != (e = 7 & this.uint32());) this.skipType(e); break; case 5: this.skip(4); break; default: throw Error("invalid wire type " + e + " at offset " + this.pos); } return this; }, u._configure = function (e) { n = e, u.create = f(), n._configure(); var t = i.Long ? "toLong" : "toNumber"; i.merge(u.prototype, { int64: function () { return c.call(this)[t](!1); }, uint64: function () { return c.call(this)[t](!0); }, sint64: function () { return c.call(this).zzDecode()[t](!1); }, fixed64: function () { return d.call(this)[t](!0); }, sfixed64: function () { return d.call(this)[t](!1); } }); }; }, { 39: 39 }], 28: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = o; var n = e(27), i = ((o.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype)).constructor = o, e(39)); function o(e) { n.call(this, e); } o._configure = function () { i.Buffer && (o.prototype._slice = i.Buffer.prototype.slice); }, o.prototype.string = function () { var e = this.uint32(); return this.buf.utf8Slice ? this.buf.utf8Slice(this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + e, this.len)) : this.buf.toString("utf-8", this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + e, this.len)); }, o._configure(); }, { 27: 27, 39: 39 }], 29: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = u; var n, h, d, i = e(23), o = (((u.prototype = Object.create(i.prototype)).constructor = u).className = "Root", e(16)), s = e(15), a = e(25), y = e(37); function u(e) { i.call(this, "", e), this.deferred = [], this.files = []; } function m() {} u.fromJSON = function (e, t) { return t = t || new u(), e.options && t.setOptions(e.options), t.addJSON(e.nested); }, u.prototype.resolvePath = y.path.resolve, u.prototype.fetch = y.fetch, u.prototype.load = function e(t, o, i) { "function" == typeof o && (i = o, o = undefined); var s = this; if (!i) return y.asPromise(e, s, t, o); var a = i === m; function u(e, t) { if (i) { var r = i; if (i = null, a) throw e; r(e, t); } } function f(e) { var t = e.lastIndexOf("google/protobuf/"); if (-1 < t) { e = e.substring(t); if (e in d) return e; } return null; } function l(e, t) { try { if (y.isString(t) && "{" === t.charAt(0) && (t = JSON.parse(t)), y.isString(t)) { h.filename = e; var r, n = h(t, s, o), i = 0; if (n.imports) for (; i < n.imports.length; ++i) (r = f(n.imports[i]) || s.resolvePath(e, n.imports[i])) && p(r); if (n.weakImports) for (i = 0; i < n.weakImports.length; ++i) (r = f(n.weakImports[i]) || s.resolvePath(e, n.weakImports[i])) && p(r, !0); } else s.setOptions(t.options).addJSON(t.nested); } catch (e) { u(e); } a || c || u(null, s); } function p(r, n) { if (!(-1 < s.files.indexOf(r))) if (s.files.push(r), r in d) a ? l(r, d[r]) : (++c, setTimeout(function () { --c, l(r, d[r]); }));else if (a) { var e; try { e = y.fs.readFileSync(r).toString("utf8"); } catch (e) { return void (n || u(e)); } l(r, e); } else ++c, s.fetch(r, function (e, t) { --c, i && (e ? n ? c || u(null, s) : u(e) : l(r, t)); }); } var c = 0; y.isString(t) && (t = [t]); for (var r, n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) (r = s.resolvePath("", t[n])) && p(r); return a ? s : (c || u(null, s), undefined); }, u.prototype.loadSync = function (e, t) { if (y.isNode) return this.load(e, t, m); throw Error("not supported"); }, u.prototype.resolveAll = function () { if (this.deferred.length) throw Error("unresolvable extensions: " + this.deferred.map(function (e) { return "'extend " + e.extend + "' in " + e.parent.fullName; }).join(", ")); return i.prototype.resolveAll.call(this); }; var f = /^[A-Z]/; function l(e, t) { var r, n = t.parent.lookup(t.extend); if (n) return ((r = new o(t.fullName, t.id, t.type, t.rule, undefined, t.options)).declaringField = t).extensionField = r, n.add(r), 1; } u.prototype._handleAdd = function (e) { if (e instanceof o) e.extend === undefined || e.extensionField || l(0, e) || this.deferred.push(e);else if (e instanceof s) f.test(e.name) && (e.parent[e.name] = e.values);else if (!(e instanceof a)) { if (e instanceof n) for (var t = 0; t < this.deferred.length;) l(0, this.deferred[t]) ? this.deferred.splice(t, 1) : ++t; for (var r = 0; r < e.nestedArray.length; ++r) this._handleAdd(e._nestedArray[r]); f.test(e.name) && (e.parent[e.name] = e); } }, u.prototype._handleRemove = function (e) { var t; if (e instanceof o) e.extend !== undefined && (e.extensionField ? (e.extensionField.parent.remove(e.extensionField), e.extensionField = null) : -1 < (t = this.deferred.indexOf(e)) && this.deferred.splice(t, 1));else if (e instanceof s) f.test(e.name) && delete e.parent[e.name];else if (e instanceof i) { for (var r = 0; r < e.nestedArray.length; ++r) this._handleRemove(e._nestedArray[r]); f.test(e.name) && delete e.parent[e.name]; } }, u._configure = function (e, t, r) { n = e, h = t, d = r; }; }, { 15: 15, 16: 16, 23: 23, 25: 25, 37: 37 }], 30: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = {}; }, {}], 31: [function (e, t, r) { r.Service = e(32); }, { 32: 32 }], 32: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = n; var a = e(39); function n(e, t, r) { if ("function" != typeof e) throw TypeError("rpcImpl must be a function"); a.EventEmitter.call(this), this.rpcImpl = e, this.requestDelimited = Boolean(t), this.responseDelimited = Boolean(r); } ((n.prototype = Object.create(a.EventEmitter.prototype)).constructor = n).prototype.rpcCall = function e(r, t, n, i, o) { if (!i) throw TypeError("request must be specified"); var s = this; if (!o) return a.asPromise(e, s, r, t, n, i); if (!s.rpcImpl) return setTimeout(function () { o(Error("already ended")); }, 0), undefined; try { return s.rpcImpl(r, t[s.requestDelimited ? "encodeDelimited" : "encode"](i).finish(), function (e, t) { if (e) return s.emit("error", e, r), o(e); if (null === t) return s.end(!0), undefined; if (!(t instanceof n)) try { t = n[s.responseDelimited ? "decodeDelimited" : "decode"](t); } catch (e) { return s.emit("error", e, r), o(e); } return s.emit("data", t, r), o(null, t); }); } catch (e) { return s.emit("error", e, r), setTimeout(function () { o(e); }, 0), undefined; } }, n.prototype.end = function (e) { return this.rpcImpl && (e || this.rpcImpl(null, null, null), this.rpcImpl = null, this.emit("end").off()), this; }; }, { 39: 39 }], 33: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = s; var n = e(23), o = (((s.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype)).constructor = s).className = "Service", e(22)), a = e(37), u = e(31); function s(e, t) { n.call(this, e, t), this.methods = {}, this._methodsArray = null; } function i(e) { return e._methodsArray = null, e; } s.fromJSON = function (e, t) { var r = new s(e, t.options); if (t.methods) for (var n = Object.keys(t.methods), i = 0; i < n.length; ++i) r.add(o.fromJSON(n[i], t.methods[n[i]])); return t.nested && r.addJSON(t.nested), r.comment = t.comment, r; }, s.prototype.toJSON = function (e) { var t = n.prototype.toJSON.call(this, e), r = !!e && Boolean(e.keepComments); return a.toObject(["options", t && t.options || undefined, "methods", n.arrayToJSON(this.methodsArray, e) || {}, "nested", t && t.nested || undefined, "comment", r ? this.comment : undefined]); }, Object.defineProperty(s.prototype, "methodsArray", { get: function () { return this._methodsArray || (this._methodsArray = a.toArray(this.methods)); } }), s.prototype.get = function (e) { return this.methods[e] || n.prototype.get.call(this, e); }, s.prototype.resolveAll = function () { for (var e = this.methodsArray, t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) e[t].resolve(); return n.prototype.resolve.call(this); }, s.prototype.add = function (e) { if (this.get(e.name)) throw Error("duplicate name '" + e.name + "' in " + this); return e instanceof o ? i((this.methods[e.name] = e).parent = this) : n.prototype.add.call(this, e); }, s.prototype.remove = function (e) { if (e instanceof o) { if (this.methods[e.name] !== e) throw Error(e + " is not a member of " + this); return delete this.methods[e.name], e.parent = null, i(this); } return n.prototype.remove.call(this, e); }, s.prototype.create = function (e, t, r) { for (var n, i = new u.Service(e, t, r), o = 0; o < this.methodsArray.length; ++o) { var s = a.lcFirst((n = this._methodsArray[o]).resolve().name).replace(/[^$\w_]/g, ""); i[s] = a.codegen(["r", "c"], a.isReserved(s) ? s + "_" : s)("return this.rpcCall(m,q,s,r,c)")({ m: n, q: n.resolvedRequestType.ctor, s: n.resolvedResponseType.ctor }); } return i; }; }, { 22: 22, 23: 23, 31: 31, 37: 37 }], 34: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = o; var x = /[\s{}=;:[\],'"()<>]/g, _ = /(?:"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)")/g, S = /(?:'([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)')/g, T = /^ *[*/]+ */, E = /^\s*\*?\/*/, N = /\n/g, B = /\s/, n = /\\(.?)/g, i = { 0: "\0", r: "\r", n: "\n", t: "\t" }; function I(e) { return e.replace(n, function (e, t) { switch (t) { case "\\": case "": return t; default: return i[t] || ""; } }); } function o(f, l) { f = f.toString(); var p = 0, c = f.length, h = 1, a = null, u = null, d = 0, y = !1, m = !1, v = [], g = null; function b(e) { return Error("illegal " + e + " (line " + h + ")"); } function w(e) { return f.charAt(e); } function O(e, t, r) { a = f.charAt(e++), d = h, y = !1, m = r; var n, i = e - (l ? 2 : 3); do { if (--i < 0 || "\n" === (n = f.charAt(i))) { y = !0; break; } } while (" " === n || "\t" === n); for (var o = f.substring(e, t).split(N), s = 0; s < o.length; ++s) o[s] = o[s].replace(l ? E : T, "").trim(); u = o.join("\n").trim(); } function k(e) { var t = j(e), e = f.substring(e, t); return /^\s*\/{1,2}/.test(e); } function j(e) { for (var t = e; t < c && "\n" !== w(t);) t++; return t; } function n() { if (0 < v.length) return v.shift(); if (g) { var e = "'" === g ? S : _, t = (e.lastIndex = p - 1, e.exec(f)); if (t) return p = e.lastIndex, A(g), g = null, I(t[1]); throw b("string"); } var r, n, i, o, s, a = 0 === p; do { if (p === c) return null; for (r = !1; B.test(i = w(p));) if ("\n" === i && (a = !0, ++h), ++p === c) return null; if ("/" === w(p)) { if (++p === c) throw b("comment"); if ("/" === w(p)) { if (l) { if (s = !1, k(o = p)) for (s = !0; (p = j(p)) !== c && k(++p););else p = Math.min(c, j(p) + 1); s && O(o, p, a), h++; } else { for (s = "/" === w(o = p + 1); "\n" !== w(++p);) if (p === c) return null; ++p, s && O(o, p - 1, a), ++h; } } else { if ("*" !== (i = w(p))) return "/"; o = p + 1, s = l || "*" === w(o); do { if ("\n" === i && ++h, ++p === c) throw b("comment"); } while ((n = i, i = w(p), "*" !== n || "/" !== i)); ++p, s && O(o, p - 2, a); } r = !0; } } while (r); var u = p; if (x.lastIndex = 0, !x.test(w(u++))) for (; u < c && !x.test(w(u));) ++u; e = f.substring(p, p = u); return '"' !== e && "'" !== e || (g = e), e; } function A(e) { v.push(e); } function i() { if (!v.length) { var e = n(); if (null === e) return null; A(e); } return v[0]; } return Object.defineProperty({ next: n, peek: i, push: A, skip: function (e, t) { var r = i(); if (r === e) return n(), !0; if (t) return !1; throw b("token '" + r + "', '" + e + "' expected"); }, cmnt: function (e) { var t = null; return e === undefined ? d === h - 1 && (l || "*" === a || y) && (t = m ? u : null) : (d < e && i(), d !== e || y || !l && "/" !== a || (t = m ? null : u)), t; } }, "line", { get: function () { return h; } }); } o.unescape = I; }, {}], 35: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = b; var s = e(23), a = (((b.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype)).constructor = b).className = "Type", e(15)), u = e(25), f = e(16), l = e(20), p = e(33), i = e(21), o = e(27), c = e(42), h = e(37), d = e(14), y = e(13), m = e(40), v = e(12), g = e(41); function b(e, t) { s.call(this, e, t), this.fields = {}, this.oneofs = undefined, this.extensions = undefined, this.reserved = undefined, this.group = undefined, this._fieldsById = null, this._fieldsArray = null, this._oneofsArray = null, this._ctor = null; } function n(e) { return e._fieldsById = e._fieldsArray = e._oneofsArray = null, delete e.encode, delete e.decode, delete e.verify, e; } Object.defineProperties(b.prototype, { fieldsById: { get: function () { if (!this._fieldsById) { this._fieldsById = {}; for (var e = Object.keys(this.fields), t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) { var r = this.fields[e[t]], n = r.id; if (this._fieldsById[n]) throw Error("duplicate id " + n + " in " + this); this._fieldsById[n] = r; } } return this._fieldsById; } }, fieldsArray: { get: function () { return this._fieldsArray || (this._fieldsArray = h.toArray(this.fields)); } }, oneofsArray: { get: function () { return this._oneofsArray || (this._oneofsArray = h.toArray(this.oneofs)); } }, ctor: { get: function () { return this._ctor || (this.ctor = b.generateConstructor(this)()); }, set: function (e) { for (var t = e.prototype, r = (t instanceof i || ((e.prototype = new i()).constructor = e, h.merge(e.prototype, t)), e.$type = e.prototype.$type = this, h.merge(e, i, !0), this._ctor = e, 0); r < this.fieldsArray.length; ++r) this._fieldsArray[r].resolve(); for (var n = {}, r = 0; r < this.oneofsArray.length; ++r) n[this._oneofsArray[r].resolve().name] = { get: h.oneOfGetter(this._oneofsArray[r].oneof), set: h.oneOfSetter(this._oneofsArray[r].oneof) }; r && Object.defineProperties(e.prototype, n); } } }), b.generateConstructor = function (e) { for (var t, r = h.codegen(["p"], e.name), n = 0; n < e.fieldsArray.length; ++n) (t = e._fieldsArray[n]).map ? r("this%s={}", h.safeProp(t.name)) : t.repeated && r("this%s=[]", h.safeProp(t.name)); return r("if(p)for(var ks=Object.keys(p),i=0;i>> 0, this.hi = t >>> 0; } var o = i.zero = new i(0, 0), s = (o.toNumber = function () { return 0; }, o.zzEncode = o.zzDecode = function () { return this; }, o.length = function () { return 1; }, i.zeroHash = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", i.fromNumber = function (e) { var t, r; return 0 === e ? o : (r = (e = (t = e < 0) ? -e : e) >>> 0, e = (e - r) / 4294967296 >>> 0, t && (e = ~e >>> 0, r = ~r >>> 0, 4294967295 < ++r && (r = 0, 4294967295 < ++e && (e = 0))), new i(r, e)); }, i.from = function (e) { if ("number" == typeof e) return i.fromNumber(e); if (n.isString(e)) { if (!n.Long) return i.fromNumber(parseInt(e, 10)); e = n.Long.fromString(e); } return e.low || e.high ? new i(e.low >>> 0, e.high >>> 0) : o; }, i.prototype.toNumber = function (e) { var t; return !e && this.hi >>> 31 ? (e = 1 + ~this.lo >>> 0, t = ~this.hi >>> 0, -(e + 4294967296 * (t = e ? t : t + 1 >>> 0))) : this.lo + 4294967296 * this.hi; }, i.prototype.toLong = function (e) { return n.Long ? new n.Long(0 | this.lo, 0 | this.hi, Boolean(e)) : { low: 0 | this.lo, high: 0 | this.hi, unsigned: Boolean(e) }; }, String.prototype.charCodeAt); i.fromHash = function (e) { return "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" === e ? o : new i((s.call(e, 0) | s.call(e, 1) << 8 | s.call(e, 2) << 16 | s.call(e, 3) << 24) >>> 0, (s.call(e, 4) | s.call(e, 5) << 8 | s.call(e, 6) << 16 | s.call(e, 7) << 24) >>> 0); }, i.prototype.toHash = function () { return String.fromCharCode(255 & this.lo, this.lo >>> 8 & 255, this.lo >>> 16 & 255, this.lo >>> 24, 255 & this.hi, this.hi >>> 8 & 255, this.hi >>> 16 & 255, this.hi >>> 24); }, i.prototype.zzEncode = function () { var e = this.hi >> 31; return this.hi = ((this.hi << 1 | this.lo >>> 31) ^ e) >>> 0, this.lo = (this.lo << 1 ^ e) >>> 0, this; }, i.prototype.zzDecode = function () { var e = -(1 & this.lo); return this.lo = ((this.lo >>> 1 | this.hi << 31) ^ e) >>> 0, this.hi = (this.hi >>> 1 ^ e) >>> 0, this; }, i.prototype.length = function () { var e = this.lo, t = (this.lo >>> 28 | this.hi << 4) >>> 0, r = this.hi >>> 24; return 0 == r ? 0 == t ? e < 16384 ? e < 128 ? 1 : 2 : e < 2097152 ? 3 : 4 : t < 16384 ? t < 128 ? 5 : 6 : t < 2097152 ? 7 : 8 : r < 128 ? 9 : 10; }; }, { 39: 39 }], 39: [function (e, t, r) { var n = r; function i(e, t, r) { for (var n = Object.keys(t), i = 0; i < n.length; ++i) e[n[i]] !== undefined && r || (e[n[i]] = t[n[i]]); return e; } function o(e) { function r(e, t) { if (!(this instanceof r)) return new r(e, t); Object.defineProperty(this, "message", { get: function () { return e; } }), Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, r) : Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", { value: new Error().stack || "" }), t && i(this, t); } return (r.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)).constructor = r, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "name", { get: function () { return e; } }), r.prototype.toString = function () { return this.name + ": " + this.message; }, r; } n.asPromise = e(1), n.base64 = e(2), n.EventEmitter = e(4), n.float = e(6), n.inquire = e(7), n.utf8 = e(10), n.pool = e(9), n.LongBits = e(38), n.isNode = Boolean("undefined" != typeof global && global && global.process && global.process.versions && global.process.versions.node), n.global = n.isNode && global || "undefined" != typeof window && window || "undefined" != typeof self && self || this, n.emptyArray = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze([]) : [], n.emptyObject = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze({}) : {}, n.isInteger = Number.isInteger || function (e) { return "number" == typeof e && isFinite(e) && Math.floor(e) === e; }, n.isString = function (e) { return "string" == typeof e || e instanceof String; }, n.isObject = function (e) { return e && "object" == typeof e; }, n.isset = n.isSet = function (e, t) { var r = e[t]; return !(null == r || !e.hasOwnProperty(t)) && ("object" != typeof r || 0 < (Array.isArray(r) ? r : Object.keys(r)).length); }, n.Buffer = function () { try { var e = n.inquire("buffer").Buffer; return e.prototype.utf8Write ? e : null; } catch (e) { return null; } }(), n._Buffer_from = null, n._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null, n.newBuffer = function (e) { return "number" == typeof e ? n.Buffer ? n._Buffer_allocUnsafe(e) : new n.Array(e) : n.Buffer ? n._Buffer_from(e) : "undefined" == typeof Uint8Array ? e : new Uint8Array(e); }, n.Array = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array, n.Long = n.global.dcodeIO && n.global.dcodeIO.Long || n.global.Long || n.inquire("long"), n.key2Re = /^true|false|0|1$/, n.key32Re = /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/, n.key64Re = /^(?:[\\x00-\\xff]{8}|-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))$/, n.longToHash = function (e) { return e ? n.LongBits.from(e).toHash() : n.LongBits.zeroHash; }, n.longFromHash = function (e, t) { e = n.LongBits.fromHash(e); return n.Long ? n.Long.fromBits(e.lo, e.hi, t) : e.toNumber(Boolean(t)); }, n.merge = i, n.lcFirst = function (e) { return e.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + e.substring(1); }, n.newError = o, n.ProtocolError = o("ProtocolError"), n.oneOfGetter = function (e) { for (var r = {}, t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) r[e[t]] = 1; return function () { for (var e = Object.keys(this), t = e.length - 1; -1 < t; --t) if (1 === r[e[t]] && this[e[t]] !== undefined && null !== this[e[t]]) return e[t]; }; }, n.oneOfSetter = function (r) { return function (e) { for (var t = 0; t < r.length; ++t) r[t] !== e && delete this[r[t]]; }; }, n.toJSONOptions = { longs: String, enums: String, bytes: String, json: !0 }, n._configure = function () { var r = n.Buffer; r ? (n._Buffer_from = r.from !== Uint8Array.from && r.from || function (e, t) { return new r(e, t); }, n._Buffer_allocUnsafe = r.allocUnsafe || function (e) { return new r(e); }) : n._Buffer_from = n._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null; }; }, { 1: 1, 10: 10, 2: 2, 38: 38, 4: 4, 6: 6, 7: 7, 9: 9 }], 40: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = function (e) { var t = u.codegen(["m"], e.name + "$verify")('if(typeof m!=="object"||m===null)')("return%j", "object expected"), r = e.oneofsArray, n = {}; r.length && t("var p={}"); for (var i = 0; i < e.fieldsArray.length; ++i) { var o, s = e._fieldsArray[i].resolve(), a = "m" + u.safeProp(s.name); s.optional && t("if(%s!=null&&m.hasOwnProperty(%j)){", a, s.name), s.map ? (t("if(!util.isObject(%s))", a)("return%j", f(s, "object"))("var k=Object.keys(%s)", a)("for(var i=0;i>> 7 | e.hi << 25) >>> 0, e.hi >>>= 7; for (; 127 < e.lo;) t[r++] = 127 & e.lo | 128, e.lo = e.lo >>> 7; t[r++] = e.lo; } function m(e, t, r) { t[r] = 255 & e, t[r + 1] = e >>> 8 & 255, t[r + 2] = e >>> 16 & 255, t[r + 3] = e >>> 24; } p.create = c(), p.alloc = function (e) { return new i.Array(e); }, i.Array !== Array && (p.alloc = i.pool(p.alloc, i.Array.prototype.subarray)), p.prototype._push = function (e, t, r) { return this.tail = this.tail.next = new u(e, t, r), this.len += t, this; }, (d.prototype = Object.create(u.prototype)).fn = function (e, t, r) { for (; 127 < e;) t[r++] = 127 & e | 128, e >>>= 7; t[r] = e; }, p.prototype.uint32 = function (e) { return this.len += (this.tail = this.tail.next = new d((e >>>= 0) < 128 ? 1 : e < 16384 ? 2 : e < 2097152 ? 3 : e < 268435456 ? 4 : 5, e)).len, this; }, p.prototype.int32 = function (e) { return e < 0 ? this._push(y, 10, o.fromNumber(e)) : this.uint32(e); }, p.prototype.sint32 = function (e) { return this.uint32((e << 1 ^ e >> 31) >>> 0); }, p.prototype.int64 = p.prototype.uint64 = function (e) { e = o.from(e); return this._push(y, e.length(), e); }, p.prototype.sint64 = function (e) { e = o.from(e).zzEncode(); return this._push(y, e.length(), e); }, p.prototype.bool = function (e) { return this._push(h, 1, e ? 1 : 0); }, p.prototype.sfixed32 = p.prototype.fixed32 = function (e) { return this._push(m, 4, e >>> 0); }, p.prototype.sfixed64 = p.prototype.fixed64 = function (e) { e = o.from(e); return this._push(m, 4, e.lo)._push(m, 4, e.hi); }, p.prototype.float = function (e) { return this._push(i.float.writeFloatLE, 4, e); }, p.prototype.double = function (e) { return this._push(i.float.writeDoubleLE, 8, e); }; var v = i.Array.prototype.set ? function (e, t, r) { t.set(e, r); } : function (e, t, r) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) t[r + n] = e[n]; }; p.prototype.bytes = function (e) { var t, r = e.length >>> 0; return r ? (i.isString(e) && (t = p.alloc(r = s.length(e)), s.decode(e, t, 0), e = t), this.uint32(r)._push(v, r, e)) : this._push(h, 1, 0); }, p.prototype.string = function (e) { var t = a.length(e); return t ? this.uint32(t)._push(a.write, t, e) : this._push(h, 1, 0); }, p.prototype.fork = function () { return this.states = new l(this), this.head = this.tail = new u(f, 0, 0), this.len = 0, this; }, p.prototype.reset = function () { return this.states ? (this.head = this.states.head, this.tail = this.states.tail, this.len = this.states.len, this.states = this.states.next) : (this.head = this.tail = new u(f, 0, 0), this.len = 0), this; }, p.prototype.ldelim = function () { var e = this.head, t = this.tail, r = this.len; return this.reset().uint32(r), r && (this.tail.next = e.next, this.tail = t, this.len += r), this; }, p.prototype.finish = function () { for (var e = this.head.next, t = this.constructor.alloc(this.len), r = 0; e;) e.fn(e.val, t, r), r += e.len, e = e.next; return t; }, p._configure = function (e) { n = e, p.create = c(), n._configure(); }; }, { 39: 39 }], 43: [function (e, t, r) { t.exports = o; var n = e(42), i = ((o.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype)).constructor = o, e(39)); function o() { n.call(this); } function s(e, t, r) { e.length < 40 ? i.utf8.write(e, t, r) : t.utf8Write ? t.utf8Write(e, r) : t.write(e, r); } o._configure = function () { o.alloc = i._Buffer_allocUnsafe, o.writeBytesBuffer = i.Buffer && i.Buffer.prototype instanceof Uint8Array && "set" === i.Buffer.prototype.set.name ? function (e, t, r) { t.set(e, r); } : function (e, t, r) { if (e.copy) e.copy(t, r, 0, e.length);else for (var n = 0; n < e.length;) t[r++] = e[n++]; }; }, o.prototype.bytes = function (e) { var t = (e = i.isString(e) ? i._Buffer_from(e, "base64") : e).length >>> 0; return this.uint32(t), t && this._push(o.writeBytesBuffer, t, e), this; }, o.prototype.string = function (e) { var t = i.Buffer.byteLength(e); return this.uint32(t), t && this._push(s, t, e), this; }, o._configure(); }, { 39: 39, 42: 42 }] }, {}, [19]); }(); }).call(root); })( // The environment-specific global. function () { if (typeof globalThis !== 'undefined') return globalThis; if (typeof self !== 'undefined') return self; if (typeof window !== 'undefined') return window; if (typeof global !== 'undefined') return global; if (typeof this !== 'undefined') return this; return {}; }.call(this));